Thursday, 10 February 2011

Kinetica Art Fair 2011

Kinetica is the equivalent of the Royal Academy's summer exhibition, but for younger people who don't like wading through 173 still lifes of vegetables and lumpy pots.  Tucked away surreptitiously in a warehouse space opposite Baker Street tube station, I hadn't heard of it until Twitter celebrity @squeezeomatic alerted me to its existence.  Four things prompted me to pop along: her photos, my boredom, the 205 bus route and my misapprehension that it was free. 

To quote from their website, the fair provides a platform for artists who "focus on universal concepts and evolutionary processes though the convergence of kinetic, electronic, robotic, sound, light, time-based and multi-disciplinary new media art, science and technology".  In other words, does it go bleep bleep, whirr whirr or flash bright colours at people?  If you said yes, you're in.  Here's a quick sample of some of my favourite exhibits that made the cut.

If you're so inclined, you can see the rest of my photos here.

The fair ended on Sunday and I assume everything has been sold.  Hopefully it'll be back in 2012 with more robot dogs, wind-up mermaids and neon heads than you can shake a flux capacitor at.

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